Sunday, May 3, 2009

Softball Bat Reviews

Do you ever wonder why the other teams 9 hitter can hit the ball a mile farther then your 3 hitter? The secret is all in the bat. If you come up to the plate with a 100 dollar bat then you might as well go right to the parking lot and crack open a few beers cause it's already over. Here are a few reasons why you need to invest in the best ASA softball bat.

Inferior Softball Bats mean warning track power. Inferior bats mean more pop ups. So if you wanna fly out to left field EVERYTIME then by all means go to Sports Authority and pick up that cheap Easton or Louisville for slightly under a hundred bucks. This way you can let the other team have some outfield practice instead of playing a real game.

Bats With Pop Allow You To Stretch The Field! When you have the best ASA softball bat you threaten to beat the outfielders deep. This allows you to drop in those little cheap bloops and have innings that last for hours. Once you establish you can't hit the ball more then 250 feet you shrink the field. Once that happens, it's over unless Jenny Finch is on the hill.

Cheap Bats Lose What Little Pop They Have Fast. Durability is crucial in softball bats. That is another reason why you need to invest in the best ASA softball bat. They will last longer and even when they do lose their pop they are still better then those cheap bats.

The Best Asa Softball Bat Has A Bigger Sweet Spot. That means that you don't have to make great contact and still hit the ball a mile. The game becomes simpler. I know it's only slow pitch softball but when us men compete anything can become a war. Do you wanna take the field with inferior weapons. Of course not that is why you need the best ASA softball bat.

So here is what you should do. Below is a link to a review of the best ASA softball bat out of the current slow pitch softball bats on the market for the 2009 season. Listen to my warning and don't ruin another season and skimp out on a cheap bat. Get the best ASA softball bat and treat your team to a winning season.

Here is a link to a great review of the Best ASA Softball Bat online. Read the review and pick the bat that best suits your team.

Click here for the best slow pitch softball bats on the market.

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