Friday, September 30, 2011

Easton Stealth 85S Ice Hockey Skates

A pair of unreleased popped up over the weekend, and are looking pretty sexy. The new skates, which carry the same sort of stealthy black and yellow look as the Stealth RS hockey stick, are presumed to be a prototype pair, with the design near final. The new Easton Stealth 85S skates, if the name is to hold true, feature a mostly black and grey boot, with yellow accents near the bottom front. They are featuring the Easton Razor Bladz II holder as well as Easton steel. If the picture is correct, the Easton Stealth 85s hockey skates weigh in just under one pound eleven ounces, or about 765 grams for one skate.

Take a look at the pictures below and let us know what you think of the . Will they help Easton gain market share for skates?

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