Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beer League Belly Buster

Going pro was never an option, instead a life of beer leagues is what’s left. Staying true to the name, you do tend to pound some beers from time to time with your friends. It doesn’t help that you never get younger, your metabolism slows, and you have more important things to do then workout for hours a day. The end result, a nice round beer belly, one the ladies laugh at, the one that leaves you feeling pretty crappy.

Yes, that’s me, and most likely you as well. I’ve decided to change my habits to get not only a better body, but most importantly, improve my hockey game. I’m no doctor, no nutritionist nor a personal trainer, but here are some things that have worked for me and could possibly work for you. I challenge all beer league-rs to make a commitment to improving their health and their skill.

Set a Goal

Sounds pretty simple, but like work, life and everything, if you don’t have a goal in mind you don’t know where you are going. A proper goal improves motivation, and in a grueling process such as working out and getting into better shape, you’ll need all you can get. Goal setting is pretty logical when you think of it, but most people do it wrong.

The first thing is to figure out the big picture goal, what you’re end result will be. For me, I set a goal of losing weight, 36 pounds to be exact. Note, whatever you choose, it needs to be able to be measured.

Once you figure out the big picture goal, you then break that goal down into smaller targets to reach your big picture goal. How much you want to break it down is up to you, but refrain from so small as a daily measurement, or so large as only a monthly measurement. Humans need feedback, how much is up to you. For me, I hop on the scale weekly, with the target of losing 2 pounds a week.

The last step is to achieve your targets. Know that you will hit some tougher times than others, so if you do not hit your target one week, it does not mean you are a failure. Pick it up and push yourself hard the next week and get back on track. In the words of Batman Begins, a young Bruce Wayne is talked to by his Father,

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